Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Shopping Trip 1/12/2011

I hit up a few different stores buying in small increments and managed some huge savings.  Here's what I ended up with:  ALL FOR $11.47!

Central Market - Detroit Lakes, MN
2 Xtra Laundry Detergent (32 Loads)  2/$4  (used 2 $1/1 printable coupons)
2 Healthy Balance 64oz juice - 2/$4 (Used BOGO coupon from old orchard site)
Total: $4.38

2 Boxes of Kashi Cereal for $3.28 (used two $3 off printable coupons - out of stock now)
Total: $0.56

Hornbachers Fargo
2 Old Orchard 64 oz Apple Cherry Juice - 2/$3 (used two $.50/1 coupons which they doubled making them $.50 ea from the old orchard site)
Total: $1.15

Sunmart Fargo
Sale - 10 cans of peas/corn for $.38/ea (no coupon)
Sale - 4 cans of fruit for $.78/ea  (4 coupons for $.20 off which all doubled = $.38/ea)
Sale - 2 Jars of Spaghetti Sauce for $.98/ea (2 coupons for $.40/off jar which doubled = $.18/jar!)
Total: $5.38

Total Spent: $11.47

1 comment:

  1. Check out #1 Frugal Blog in Southern California - Budget Savvy Diva -
